Tag: Business Furniture

A malfunctioning office chair can be a drain on your productivity. Height-adjustable chairs are quite the norm now but it so happens that the gas cylinder that helps adjust the height is easily (and commonly) damaged. It always helps if you know exactly how to repair it, especially if you work from home (read alone). It’s rather easy – all you have to do is replace the cylinder.

Nicole Groshek from National Business Furniture explains how to do that.

How to Replace an Office Chair Cylinder

Does your chair sink down throughout the work day? Is it difficult for you to adjust your chair either up or down? If you are having these issues, you may need to replace the gas cylinder on your office chair in order to get it to function properly once again. This is actually a pretty simple process. Materials you will need:

  1. A rubber mallet
  2. A pipe wrench or a screw driver
  3. A replacement cylinder—you can request a new one by contacting NBF’s customer service at 1-800-558-1010 or online.
  4. WD-40—only necessary for older chairs or when you are having a difficult time removing parts of the chair. See full post here.

As a matter of fact, we have a better solution for you – call us at 321 203 2759 and we’ll help you through it. Looking to replace it? Browse through our catalog of premium office chairs at Vision Office Interiors .

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The world is moving fast, and so is office culture. The Turkish furniture design firm Koleksiyon is popular for its furniture among giants like Mercedes-Benz, 3M and Phillips. After winning over the corporate sector in Europe, Koleksiyon is now trying to enter the US market.

The company is currently working on designs that bridge the gap between privacy and openness in an open office design.

Take a look at PaperCity’s article on Koleksiyon’s space age collection.

                                 New age Office Furniture

The Space-Age Office Furniture of the Future: An International Design Firm Brings Its Work Innovations to Dallas

A favorite for the European offices of such corporate elites as Mercedes-Benz, 3M and Philips, Koleksiyon — “collection” in Turkish — is known for envelope-pushing office furniture and space solutions. With showrooms throughout Europe, Koleksiyon has opened its second U.S. location in downtown Dallas — a stone’s throw from the Neiman Marcus flagship store. The first domestic showroom opened last year in New York’s Merchandise Mart. See full post here

For furniture matching the requirements of your office design, visit Vision Office Interiors

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When you ask your employees how they want the workspace to be, it’s a mixed bag – some want the quiet, undisturbed nook where they can focus on their projects without uninvited interventions from the rest of the workforce while some prefer the bustle of an open office where they can openly communicate and collaborate with different teams and departments working on the project.

Between collaboration and the quiet, if there is an ideal arrangement, we are determined to find it.

According to the folks at HLW International Location, Enclosure, Exposure, Technology, Temporality, Perspective and Size are the seven attributes you need to consider to understand what office design works best for your business.

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Peter Bacevice, Liz Burow and Mat Triebner from HLW International write for the Harvard Business Review.

7 Factors of Great Office Design

Smart companies understand that workspaces are a business tool. An office environment reflects and reinforces a business’s core values, through the placement of different teams and functions and design elements that reflect culture, brand, and values.

For example, we’ve seen an explosion of open office layouts, in part because openness, transparency, and collaboration are some of the attributes companies strive for today. Sometimes these designs work well; however, research shows that this collaborative push may be too much of a good thing.
See full post here

Meanwhile, feel free to browse through the exquisite collection of new and pre-owned office furniture at Vision-Oi.com

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It’s not often that you decide to take the outlook of your company in your hands and steer it away from the dismal functional disorder impending like doom itself. Office designs are supposed to work. If they don’t, something needs to be changed.

What sometimes works is something as elementary as replacing the dreary office furniture with something modern and visionary!

Take a look at this article from Re:work.

Office Furniture
Office Furniture

Why should you be thinking about replacing your office furniture?

There are lots of things that put business owners under pressure every day, difficult decisions that have to be made and often very little time to manage everything.

Perhaps one of the things that is often neglected is a good long look at their office furniture – it looks OK, it functions, so why bother thinking about replacing it?

There are a number of reasons considering a refresh could be an option:
See full post here

Breathe new life into your workspace with new and pre-loved office furniture from Vision Office Interiors. Visit, or call 321 203 2759

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