Category: Office Furniture

Contemporary Office Furniture

Selecting perfect Contemporary office furniture is not something that one should take lightly because this furniture demands a lot of thinking time along with heavy expenditure of your hard earned money. To make sure that you make a wise investment in the most important furniture, we are enlisting a list of few pros of contemporary furniture that will help you get the best value for your money.

Executive Office Chair
Executive Office Chair

Types of Contemporary Office Furniture

Ergonomic Furniture: This type of furniture is designed in such a way that it keeps your body comfortable and safe in a way that it keeps body free from kind of stress or strain caused by long sitting hours. Contemporary ergonomic furniture promises a substantial decrease in the risk of ailments caused to the lower back, neck and shoulder blade. This type of furniture is bliss for people who work long hours sitting on a desk.

Antique look alike: Another type of contemporary furniture is the one that is a look alike of antique furniture. This type of furniture is for those who love antiques that are pocket friendly. This style of furniture adds a historical feel to one’s office without digging a hole in the pocket.

Space savers: This type of contemporary furniture is meant for a minimalistic appeal for smaller office space. It utilizes every inch of free space in such a way that it tends to add volume rather than look congested in a small office space.

Which Furniture to choose?

Definitely, after learning about all the types of contemporary furniture, it becomes difficult for one to choose one over the other. So, here are a few more words of wisdom to help you choose the furniture that is perfect for your office space.

Office Furniture FL
Office Furniture FL

Easy On Pocket: Contemporary ergonomic furniture is easy on pocket as it is economical when compared with antique furniture.

Great on looks: Ergonomic furniture

Comparing and Choosing Furniture

Before making a purchase you should definitely check out the various styles, materials and price range of modern office furniture. You should get information and pictures of everything that is available and make comparisons. This will allow you to make sure that you are getting exactly what you want.

When comparing furniture, you want to make sure to think about how the furniture will be used the most. Consider features that you feel you can’t live without, such as filing drawers in the desk, or arm rests on the chair. You should also consider how comfortable it will be to use, and how it will look in your office.

Finally, consider what kind of statement you will be making if you choose a particular type or style of furniture. If you want to make a sophisticated statement, antique reproductions may be for you. If you want to appear professional, a nice heavy wood such as oak or cherry is in order, polished to a shine of course.

Of course, another important factor when comparing and choosing modern office furniture is the price. Different styles and types of furniture will carry different prices. Make sure that the furniture you want and are looking at fits within your budget.

You can easily find pictures and compare materials and prices for modern office furniture online. You should be able to find many websites of local furniture companies that will allow you to look at and compare different furniture. It is important to have this information handy when you are considering what furniture to buy. You can then refer back to these sites to check prices once you have made your decision.

Learn more about the latest office design trends at Visit Vision Office Interiors for the best in new and used office furniture.

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Office is the second home of your employees. On a typical working day, your staffs spend most of the time within the walls of your organization. This calls for more organized and well-paced office that will enable them to focus on work and be more productive, each day.

Here are some Tips for a More Organized Office, through which you can make your company, a better place to spend the day.

  • Develop Work Zones- Its obvious to have separate teams who looks into certain domains of your business. But, does each of your team have their specific work zones or workstations? Does a team sit together as a team or in a mixed group? If its the latter, its high time to demarcate specific areas where teams can have their own space and be more productive, with their work.

File Cabinet

  • Automize Systems- Gone are the days of register attendances and manual payroll systems. We live in the digital era, so before your employees start complaining of your outdated procedures, bring a change. From entry and exit time to calculating payrolls, integrate systems and make it easy for the management and the employees.
  • Organize Your Drawers- Most organizations don’t. Rather, they don’t pay much important. An organized mind only works when things in the immediate surroundings are well in place. Maintain a specific drawer for all stationery goods. Keep them in one place. Thus, when anyone needs a paper or stapler, its there.

File Cabinet


  • File Papers Weekly- Another useful Tip for a More Organized Office is to file papers on weekly basis. We all have been through the habit of sorting and filling them during quarter ending period. From now, work hard from the beginning and avoid the last-minute hassles.
  • Sort Your Files- Group your files according to your alphabets, just like dictionary. Thus, when your employees want a file, they can immediately go into the B or G section and get their requisites, without eye-screening the entire lot.

And to work in a well-structured environment, contact Vision Office Furniture. Get expert advice on enhancing the quality of your environment and promoting positivity within your organization.

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Not enough time is spent cleaning up the clutter that is your workspace. You never seem to find that one document that you urgently need or the keys to the file cabinet or your phone charger. And yet, it’s taking up huge chunks of your day!

If you’re spending a good part of your day trying to cruise through the chaos of your workplace, it’s going to show sooner or later and you’re likely to land into trouble. Our advice is to get working on cleaning it up once and for all – well, as long as you understand it’s going to need some keeping up.

Start afresh

Get rid of anything you no longer require. Things that you used to need or might require in the future should be filed separately and stored away. To effectively organize or reorganize your stuff, you need to get rid of everything that is not currently necessary.

Office Desks
Office Desks


Now that you’re rid of all that is unnecessary, it’s time to find solutions for the rest of the problems. Maybe you’ve become complacent with how things are because it’s been going on for too long. A quick and easy way to get your organizational instincts kick in is to rearrange everything to make it easier and quicker to access.

Learn to manage time

Disorganization could just be a symptom of a more common affliction – time mismanagement. One of the simplest and most effective ways to overcome this is to jot down everything you need to accomplish in a day – a to-do list – and assign each task the time it requires while making sure that you do not exceed it. Adhere to this pattern till you break the habit of miscalculating your priorities at work.

Organize digitally

The condition of your digital desktop, email and social media is a reflection of your organizational skills, or lack thereof. Remedying only one could become a hurdle in the rehabilitation of your habits. If you want to keep up the organization of your workspace, let the organization spread to other parts of your life that ask for it. Organize your digital desktop by getting rid of all that is unnecessary, much like you did with your physical desktop.

Office Furniture
Office Furniture

Get the right accessories

A big part of how you organize is what tools you use on a daily basis. A wrong filing system could breakdown your whole work ethic. Get the right filing cabinet, the right size desk (a height-adjustable or standing desk, if that suits you), an ergonomic chair and see the difference yourself. It’s alright to ask for things you need. Letting their absence hinder your work is not.

Get the right office furniture and accessories at Vision Office Interiors at the right prices. Visit or call 321 203 2759.

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Every team needs a leader that understands how to channel the energies of each team member and balance the motivation. But is it more important to be able to admit mistakes?

Does true success lie in the ability to change? Much too often, bosses find themselves surrounded by talent they cannot immediately handle. True leadership lies in admitting the facts and adapting to them instead of trying too hard for the wrong thing or giving up.

Here are some expert insights from RyannLofchie

Admit you suck

Lucas Mezzenga is the CEO of RBI Corporation, a distributor of outdoor equipment parts. He came into this role confident — he was sure he could shift the company’s culture mindset from a ship safe in the harbor to a ship out at sea. After all, he had a focused team, driven to grow the business despite navigating an industry rife with consolidation.

Three years in as CEO, he was stumped. The leadership team was seeing growth, but the overall culture was dark and unsustainable. As Lucas began trying to figure out the root cause, he came across an article that asked a simple, but hard, question: What is the source of your culture’s illness?

At that moment, he chillingly realized it was his own incompetence.

While Lucas pushed for growth across his team, he was doing so in a way that left little room for error. Screwing up and being vulnerable — those were signs of weakness not meant for the workplace. But, boy was he wrong. By setting unrealistic expectations, he was crushing the culture of his company.

That realization hit Lucas square in the jaw, and he finally had to admit he sucked.

What followed changed his perspective not only on leadership, it changed his way of thinking. He declared his incompetence to his team and in turn gave them permission to “suck” at their jobs, too. He began embracing mistakes; hell, he even celebrated them.

In doing so, he inspired his team to recognize the importance of contrast — that they could not truly know success without first knowing failure. This opened up a conversation amongst the team about their individual strengths, weaknesses, motivations, fears, and goals for personal growth. Suddenly, they were dealing with a newfound reality, recognizing each other as humans who were vulnerable. The conversations became more pointed and constructive, allowing the team to start supporting — and respecting — one another. This new level of response helped to create a foundation where feedback was welcome and wanted.

Admitting that we suck or are incompetent (especially as a leader) is a scary thing to do, but it’s undoubtedly the right one, and Lucas has proven it.

“There’s a powerful transformation when we consciously admit that we’re not good at something,” he said. “And adopting a mindset of embracing mistakes frees the mind from concern and fear and opens the door to curiosity and creativity. This is where great work and great fun comes from.”

Let go

As CEO of one of the most successful Midas franchises in the country, Mark Smith is taking another approach to defying the leadership myth.

Focused on growing his franchises, he fell into the all-too-common entrepreneurial rat race of scaling quickly, adding more and more people to his team to keep up. Soon, he found himself surround by a lot of talent, but no time to actually think or fully delegate appropriate tasks.

He did this for almost 15 years before he realized this wasn’t the best recipe for success. So, he took a step back and spent a considerable amount of time and energy assessing his business strategy, the talents of the people on this team, and future growth opportunities, narrowing the seemingly endless list of things he knew he needed to fix himself to what he calls “The Five”: people, customer acquisition, customer experience, community, and operations. Everything else? He coached his leadership team to handle.

He’s now had three years to think and reflect more about that time in his company’s story and how it’s affected his leadership style.

“The first few months were a struggle,” Mark said, “as old habits die hard. But now everyone on my team has a better grasp of roles and responsibilities and who owns specific outcomes.”

Since that transformational experience, his franchise’s top line has grown 23 percent and the bottom line 35 percent. His stores have the largest per unit volumes of any in the Midas system, and one of his stores is the top-grossing Midas store in the world.

It’s not just business success — Mark has made a mark (ha ha) as a CEO who cares about the community in which he lives, partnering with a local nonprofit to help feed the city’s most vulnerable populations.

He has evolved into a visionary leader, with a sky-is-the-limit attitude and a tremendous heart, and he was able to unleash this potential by not only admitting he couldn’t do it all, but by focusing on what he was uniquely qualified to do then coaching his team to step up and take the rest. Together, they’ve risen to the challenge and built an unstoppable company.

Understand the potential of a true team

The last story is mine. I had one of those humbling learning moments several years ago at a conference for CEOs, where one of the keynote speakers said something to the effect of: “You need every single person on your team to get the work done, and if you think you’re more important than any one of those people, then you are sorely mistaken.”

I knew then I was making a mistake. In my defense, my company has always been a relatively flat organization, and I’ve always greatly appreciated the contributions of all my employees. But similar to Mark’s story, I had found myself reaching a point where I believed I was the one holding it all together. I mean, they needed me to hold it all together. Right?

That keynote forced me to realize how deeply dependent we all were on the entire team, not just me. What a jerk I had been, feeling I was so important. I wasn’t. What I needed to do was get out of the way and let the amazing people I had hired do their work and shine.

By reframing the perception I had of my team and viewing them as equals — in it together and fighting for one another — we’ve not only succeeded but have soared. I, like most CEOs, very clearly do not have all the answers. In fact, there is more that goes on in my business that I don’t know about than I do. And that feels great. My team is amazing and I trust them as much as I trust myself to do an awesome job. They feel it. And together we continue to build.

Outdated executive stereotypes hold leaders back. They stifle growth, learning, vision, and teamwork — all the elements we know we need to grow amazing companies, solid teams, and enviable workplace cultures. What moves leaders forward? Confidence — not certainty — that you’re an able leader.

So, here’s your opportunity: how will you redefine leadership to get the best results for your organization? Read full post

Visit Vision Office Interiors for more on work culture and office designs. Take a look at our collection of new and used office furniture for every office layout.

Shop now and take advantage of our special holiday offer – get 10% off on all pre-owned furniture! Call 321 203 2759 for further information

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