Month: March 2016

One of the most popular choices of office furniture is laminate furniture. Laminates have many advantages over real wood and veneers – they are more durable, don’t get damaged easily and are easy to clean and maintain.

Like all things good, laminates too need proper care to maintain. Luckily, it’s not a lot. All you need to do is dust it regularly so that there is no residue left to scratch the surface and wash it with soap every now and then.

Nicole Groshek from National Business Furniture shares the most important tips on cleaning laminate furniture.


How to Clean Laminate Furniture

One of the greatest benefits to having laminate office furniture instead of solid wood or veneer is that laminate is a breeze to maintain and clean. Laminate doesn’t scratch or stain easily, but you should still take care to clean your laminate furniture in the right way to ensure that it will last for as long as possible. Here’s how:

Dust regularly. How often you need to dust your laminate furniture will depend on how often it’s used. A small desk that you use every day may not need to be dusted often, but a bookcase in the corner of the room that isn’t cleaned much will probably need a regular dusting. Dusting can be done by using an oil-free furniture spray. Furniture polish is fine to use on laminate, but be sure to wipe up any excess. Furniture polish does not soak into laminate, so any left sitting on top may soak into your clothes and stain. View full post.



For high quality new and old laminate furniture at begrudgingly low prices, visit Vision Office Interiors. Remember to keep your laminate furniture out of direct sunlight to maintain their original color.

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While buying office furniture, a part that goes largely unnoticed is the quality of the textiles used. However, it is one of the most, if not the most, important aspects of office furniture, especially in healthcare facilities.

An ideal textile needs to be sterile, easy to clean and also seem welcoming and homely. Your choice of textiles will probably depend on the part of your facility. A reception room could use more fabric while a patient ward would require impenetrable and sterile materials like PVC-free vinyl. In addition to healthcare facilities, there has been an increase in the use of healthcare textiles in hotels and homes alike.

A Guide to Healthcare Seating Textiles

Whether you’re furnishing a new healthcare facility or replacing old furniture in a hospital or private practice, knowing your textiles is crucial to the well-being of staff and patients alike. To help make your chair purchasing experience as easy as possible, we’re breaking down the pros and cons of commonly used seating textiles. This list is ranked from worst to best in terms of appropriateness for a healthcare setting. For full post click here

Office furnitureNicole Groshek from National Business Furniture provides some insight into healthcare textiles.


For high quality office furniture, visit Vision Office Interiors and take advantage of low prices.

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Every office is not the same. This is especially true for offices in healthcare. A medical office is harder to design and furnish as there are many more guidelines and safety measures to consider than for a regular business office. If you find the task of furnishing the waiting room of your medical office daunting, look no further than this guide to get you started.

Image – National Business Furniture

Nicole Groshek from National Business Furniture thinks that patient well being should be the main focus while furnishing a medical waiting room. Here is her article.

How to Set Up a Healthcare Waiting Room

Getting ready to furnish your healthcare facility’s front lobby, but unsure of where to start? Due to safety and privacy concerns associated with a medical office, designing a waiting room for this type of facility is very different from the typical business office. You’ll want to situate furniture in your reception area differently depending on what type of medical services you offer, but these considerations are a good place to start. See full post here

While buying furniture for a medical facility, it is important that you keep emphasis on the build quality and general condition. This can be especially hard when you opt to go for used furniture due to budget concerns. At Vision Office Interiors, you will find high quality new and used office furniture all in one place to take some pressure off.

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One of the latest trends in office furniture is the driftwood finish. Keep your office furniture simple but not boring – driftwood finish keeps it professional without seeming daunting in doing so.

Image – Pinterest

Nicole Groshek from National Business Furniture shares her views about driftwood finishes.

Now Trending: Driftwood Finishes

Neutral colors will always be in style, and gray has been a clear front-runner for modern offices that find black depressingly dark and white blindingly bright. The trend toward gray has moved from being just a shade that you paint on the walls to being a color you can use as a base anywhere, from the upholstery on chairs to the finish on your desk. In fact, we’ve been seeing quite a bit more gray ash desks and tables over the last couple of years that have a weathered, driftwood-like appearance. With this finish, you can still get the beautiful wood grain look you love, but in a soft, neutral shade that will look good when paired with just about any other color. See full post here

Take a look at our collection of modern and traditional office furniture on the Vision Office Interiors website.

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